Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

24 December 2017

Before the foundations of the world were complete, God knew that man would fail. However, He chose to still create us. He still wanted a relationship with us. 

Jesus was sent down from heaven to earth to save us from our sins and reunite us back to the Father.  It was by His Grace that we were saved. Jesus became the ultimate sacrifice for all of humanity.

Wishing you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Forgive Us of Our Sins

21 December 2017

Our Father in heaven,
Hallowed be Your name.
Your kingdom come.
Your will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts,
As we forgive our debtors.
And do not lead us into temptation,
But deliver us from the evil one.
For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. 
(Matthew 6:9-13 KJV)

Paul, Apostle of Christ Movie

19 December 2017
Paul, Apostle of Christ/Source Facebook/PaulMovie/
Apostle Paul wrote a big chunk of the New Testament. He went from being the biggest tyrant to Christians to becoming a faithful servant of Christ. His encounter changed the course of his life forever. His story is being brought to life in the movie Paul, Apostle of Christ.

The film is scheduled for release in March 2018.

The Ancient City of Corinth Preserved

18 December 2017

A recent discovery was made of the ancient city Corinth by archaeologists. So much has been preserved by the salt water of the ruins that have laid undersea for many years. Much of the structure of this Biblical city date back to 1AD.

The letters to the church of Corinth are found in 1st and 2nd Corinthians.They are some of the most read New Testament Bible books today. Apostle Paul being made aware of certain practices amongst the new believers writes to them to steer them in the right direction.

In the 1st Corinthian book, Paul addresses issues to do with sin, leadership, and marriage amongst several other concerns that the church at Corinth had questions regarding. 2nd Corinthians re-affirms what he says as some were still not sure about his authority on such matters. It is in Corinthians that he boasts about the levels of his faith.


Are You a Shepherd?

17 December 2017

Shepherds were always out in the fields with their livestock. They often missed out on certain ceremonies or meetings with notable people. Their job not as revered as others. However, God often called Shepherds to do mighty things. King David was a shepherd boy. He was chosen by God to be king.

Do not let your humble beginnings dissuade you from walking towards your purpose.

God Calls You, Do You Answer?

16 December 2017

I know so many people who believe in God. They read the Bible for inspiration yet they are too afraid to say "Yes Lord!" There are so many excuses as to why right now they can't answer the call. However, God is not looking for perfected people. He will help mold you into who He knows you are. His Word says come as you are. No matter what your circumstances He is ready and waiting to say welcome.

 The book of Samuel is a good example of hearing God's voice and not knowing what to do. However once he said Yes Lord here I am, his world changed for the better.

So if you have ever felt the yearning that desire just say yes Lord I am.

Sharing the Gospel at Christmas

15 December 2017
Author Rico Tice shares his views on how to share the gospel at Christmas. How do you spread the good news during the festive period in the midst of the glitz and glam?

Do You Hear What I hear?

14 December 2017

Said the little lamb to the Shepard boy
Do you hear what I hear
Ringing through the sky Shepard boy
Do you hear what I hear
A song, a song
High above the trees
With a voice as big as the sea
With a voice as big as the sea

12 Days Til Christmas

13 December 2017

It is officially 12 days until one of the biggest celebrations of the year, Christmas Day. It is also for some, one of the most expensive seasons of the year. Businesses are brimming with overstock eager to make their whole years worth of earnings to the public in one month alone. Christmas goods began popping up back in September in the UK. Despite all the shopping glitz and glam, what is Christmas all about?

You see a long long time ago there was a young maiden named Mary betrothed to a man named David. The angel Gabriel had told her God has chosen her to be the vessel whom our King would be born into the world to save us.

Jesus came down from heaven born in a manger and was slain for our sins. Not just the sins people take the most notice of. Not just the sins the secular world focuses its questions to Christians on. All sins. He sweated blood as he prayed for us. He endured for us. He died for us. So that He could save us from our sins and reunite us back to the Father. 

I encourage you to remember that Jesus is the reason for the season. 

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)