The UN feels that British law that says Children should attend Christian assemblies is wrong. They feel it interferes with a chid's freedom of thought consciousness and religion and thus undermines their human rights. They want Britain to repeal the law.
Well I do not believe it is the UN's place to dictate to people how their children are raised. The only time I wish to hear about it is if there is a true cause for concern. You would think an organisation built around uniting the nations would be ok with Children being taught "Love thy neighbour" etc etc.
There are many countries where religion and culture and life seamlessly blend together with no issues. Britain is a very inclusive country at times to the detriment of the Christian faith it was built on according to some. It does not discriminate and many parents choose to send their kids to a Christian school who belong to a different faith or have no faith and have no issues.
Anyway you can read more on this via: