R.I.P. Jacques Hamel

26 July 2016

Prayers go out to the family of Priest Jacques Hamel. Who at 85 years old lost his life to yet another terrorist attack in France. Our prayers also go out to the church attendees some of whom witnessed the attack and was injured themselves. The church was said to be holding mass when two men entered and took hostages. 

France seems to be experiencing a recurring terror attacks. It was only a few weeks ago a lorry drove over bystanders during Bastille day celebrations. Let us pray for France and her people.

Do churches need to be more vigilant? 

Wi2M Presents Who Am I

23 July 2016

Wi2M (Word into Movement) presents an event called Who Am I.

This event is aimed towards teenage girls and it's not just a youth workshop but aims to empower young people to be the champions God created them to be.

To book a place head over to EventBrite

Who Gives You Life?

17 July 2016

Do you ever find that there are common sayings that just does not sit well with your soul. Especially if like me you are a person who thinks about the choice of words used in conversation or in anything. That over thinking over analytical mind does wonders. Yet you could just simply be aware of the power of your words and how everything you say can impact your life.

For instance the term : "(blank) gives me life"

Over the last couple of years this term has becoming really popular amongst many. The urban dictionary top definition describes its meaning as 

Anything that you get excited or pumped about; anything that makes you laugh e.g. "Honey that dress you got on is giving me life!"
It's probably something I would have been more than happy to say it few years ago. Yet when I began hearing this phrase used to describe joy I had to ask myself well, who gives me life? Can someone give me life from their outfit to what they say. Could I possibly attribute my life to someone other than God. Its what I feel get stirred up in my soul when I ponder the term.

1 Thessalonians 5:10 states that Christ ... died for us, that whether we wake or sleep we should live together with Him.  Yes he died so that we may have life. 

In Genesis 2:7  God breathed into Adam's nostrils he became a living being. So nothing but God can give you life. For some it may not be all that deep but for those who understand breath and spirit and the power of words it really is that deep. 

God deserves all the glory and all the praise. On He alone gives life. 

God gives me life and I am thankful.

Nigeria Closing Noisey Churches

7 July 2016

Lagos, Nigeria has been on a cosmopolitan drive for the past few years. Many things have been put n place to improve the city and make it function a particular type of way. As a result noise pollution is high on the agenda. However this strict policy on noise has resulted in many churches being closed in Lagos. Mosques have also been closed alongside bars and hotels who are not compliant with state regulation.

The majority of the churches have been affected are those in temporary tent structures, which will no longer be allowed. As they are not able to offer the necessary sound proofing that would allow them to operate within the guidelines. Nigeria has set a target for Lagos to be noise free and a mega city ready to compete globally by 2020. 

Read more on Christianity Today